Brand new year 11 PSHE scheme made with the 2020 RSE statutory guidance embedded throughout. The scheme contains fully resources RSE lessons, Health and Wellbeing lessons and citizenship lessons. Also included is a statutory requirement map which outlines which of the new objectives will be covered in which lesson. Lessons titles included are:
RSE - Menopause
- Fertility and infertility (causes and treatment)
- Options around pregnancy
H&W - The importance of self examination (testicle and breast)
- Self esteem and coping with stress
-Learning and revision skills
Citizenship - Voting systems and their benefits
- Alternative political systems
Included are lessons with corresponding worksheets and a curriculum plan with suggestions for delivery
Brand new year 10 PSHE scheme made with the 2020 RSE statutory guidance embedded throughout. The scheme contains fully resources RSE lessons, Health and Wellbeing lessons and citizenship lessons. Also included is a statutory requirement map which outlines which of the new objectives will be covered in which lesson. Lessons titles included are:
RSE - Pornography - the impact on society
- Sexual harassment, violence and coercive control
- Sexual health and the importance of testing
- Tackling homophobia, transphobia and sexism
H&W -Mental health campaigns - analyse and design
- Impact of and information on drug use
Citizenship - The role of police in society
- How are laws made and constitution
- Freedom of speech - how can we trust what we read online?
Included are lessons with corresponding worksheets and a curriculum plan with suggestions for delivery
Brand new year 7 PSHE scheme made with the 2020 RSE statutory guidance embedded throughout. The scheme contains RSE lessons, Health and Wellbeing lessons and citizenship lessons. Lessons titles included are:
Introduction to PSHE/Trust
RSE -Managing online and offline friendships
- Bullying and the role of the bystander
- The family unit
- My body, my rules
H&W -Resilience
- Communicating emotions
- Diet and exercise
- Managing puberty
Citizenship - Rights and Responsibility
- How can I contribute to society
Included are lessons with corresponding worksheets, a curriculum plan with suggestions for delivery. Also included is a statutory requirement map which outlines which of the new objectives will be covered in which lesson.
Brand new year 9 PSHE scheme made with the 2020 RSE statutory guidance embedded throughout. The scheme contains fully resources RSE lessons, Health and Wellbeing lessons and citizenship lessons. Also included is a statutory requirement map which outlines which of the new objectives will be covered in which lesson. Lessons titles included are:
RSE - Consent
- Healthy romantic relationships
- Sending of explicit images
- Sexual Health
H&W - Alcohol misuse and peer influence
- Addiction
- Eating disorders
- Online safety
Citizenship - Role of the national government
- Voting and why it matters
- Human rights, legal rights and criminal responsibility
Included are lessons with corresponding worksheets and a curriculum plan with suggestions for delivery
Brand new year 8 PSHE scheme made with the 2020 RSE statutory guidance embedded throughout. The scheme contains fully resources RSE lessons, Health and Wellbeing lessons and citizenship lessons. Also included is a statutory requirement map which outlines which of the new objectives will be covered in which lesson. Lessons titles included are:
RSE - Cyber and online literacy
- Managing conflict at home
- Equality
- Marriage
- Violence against women and girls (sexual harassment and FGM)
H&W - Body Image
- First Aid
- Managing loss
Citizenship - Tackling discrimination
- Impact of prejudice on wellbeing
- Personal influence in the community - how can citizens work together
Included are lessons with corresponding worksheets, a curriculum plan with suggestions for delivery